Wednesday, 21 August 2019

CBSE latest Pattern Model Question Paper on Business Studies Class 11 , 2019-20

Terminal Examination 2019-20
Class : XI                        BUSINESS STUDIES                               Marks : 80
                                                                                                  Time :3hrs
a)    Attempt all Questions.
b)    Questions from 1-10carries one mark.
c)     Questions from 11-16 carries Three mark.
d)    Questions from 17-21 carries four mark.
e)     Questions from 22-25 carries five mark.
f)       Questions from 26-27 carries six mark.
1.     Which of the following does not characterize business activity
a) productions of goods      b)presence of risk
c) exchange of goods          d)salary or wages
2.     Fishing is what type of industry
a)primary industries           b)secondary industries
c)commercial industries    d) tertiary industries
3.     The structure in which there is separation of ownership and management is called
a)sole proprietorship          b)partnership
c) company                         d)all business organization
4.     Minimum number of members to form a private company
a) 2      b) 3       c) 5       d) 7
5.     Centralized control in MNC's implies control exercised by
a) branches                         b)subsidiaries
c) headquarters                   d)parliament

6.     Which of the following is not a function of insurance.
a) risk sharing                     b)assist in capital formation
c) lending of funds               d)none of these
7.     The Central Bank of India is
a)HDFC      b)SBI      c)RBI       d)PNB
8.     ATM facility to withdraw  money is an example of
a)B2C         b)B2B      c)B2E      d)C2C
9.     Business ethics deal primarily with
a) social responsibility           b)pricing
c) moral obligation                 d)unfair to the competition
10.                        Social responsibility of business to protect environment is towards
a) employees                           b)government
c) owners                                d)all stake holders
11) Business supplies goods and services to meet material needs of humans for   financial gain. Discus?
12) Name the document which is used to resolve the conflict among partners and explain the concept
13) List the names of 6 enterprises under the public sector?
14) Write full form of a) EFT     b)  RTGS      c)ATM
15) State the mail facilities provided by postal department?
16) State different types of deposits?
 17) Write down advantages of Joint Stock Company?
18) Why do the enterprises need to adopt pollution control measures?
19) Define business, describe the important characteristic features?
20)  Amar gets his medical insurance done but hides the fact that he is heart              patient, with in two weeks medical insurance he suffers from a massive heart attack. Is he entitled to claim against insurance?
21. State any four difference between E-Business and Traditional Business.
22) Build up arguments for and against social responsibilities.
23) What are the different kinds of organization that come under the public sector?
24) Why is it important to choose an appropriate form of business? Discuss the factors that determine to choose of form of organization?
25) What is partnership deed, state contents of deed?
26) Explain principles of insurance in detail?
27) Compare and contrast different forms of business organization?.

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