Saturday, 4 May 2019

COMMERCE Lesson Plan 2019 – 2020-Nature & significance of management

Lesson Plan 2019 – 2020
Grade: XII     Section:
No of students:
Subject: Business Studies      
Period / Time:40mts

Unit/Topic:  Nature & significance of management

Subtopic: Concept of management & its characteristics, Effectiveness Vs Efficiency.
            To make an awareness about  Concept of management & its characteristics, Effectiveness Vs Efficiency through the interaction with the dynamic learning environment using the skills of observation, communication ,interpretation ,evaluating , etc.
Process skills        : Observation, Communication, Interpretation,Evaluating,Etc
Prerequisites        : Learners may have a general awareness about
concept of management
Students’ prior knowledge

Student’s prior knowledge is tested through question & answer session. The questions will be displayed on the screen.
Lesson Objective/s:

Students will be:
·        Familiarized with the concept of management
·        Differentiate the terms ‘effectiveness’ & ‘efficiency’
·        Given an idea about the various characteristics of management
Differentiated Expected Learning Outcomes

Starters: Understand the concept of management in detail. 

Movers: Build an idea about management and distinguish between effectiveness & efficiency

Flyers: Assess the objectives & importance of management. 
Main Part of the Lesson /Procedures:
·        Introduce the topic management
·        Construct an understanding about the characteristic of management
·        Distinguish between the terms effectiveness & efficiency
Resources needed:

PPT, White board, textbook
RLA and Cross curricular Link

·        Accountancy – Management Accounting
·        English vocabulary
Introductory  Phase :
Through an open discussion with students with pictures and real life examples
·        What do you understand by the term ‘business’?
·        What are the different forms of business organizations?
·        According to you, what does the term ‘management’ imply?
Developmental Phase - Differentiated Activities[Differentiation Strategy]

Teacher Activity
Teacher introduces the meaning of the concept of Management with the help of a slide in ppt.
Rounded Rectangle: Management is an art of getting things done with and through others. Management can be defined as, the process of getting things done with the aim of achieving organizational goals effectively and efficiently.

After completing teacher explanation with suitable examples,  Students are randomly selected and are asked to read the content in the slide loudly. After that students will take the complete notes.
          With the help of some real life situations teacher summarizes the concepts  Effectiveness Vs Efficiency.
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Efficiency means doing the task correctly at minimum cost through effective utilization of resources while effectiveness  is concerned with end result means completing the task correctly within stipulated time. Although efficiency and effectiveness are different yet they are inter related. It is important for management to maintain a balance between the two.


Then teacher conducts a brainstorming section to bring maximum self-generated views from learners on the concept “Characteristics of Management”

Learner Activity 

Students listen attentively, take notes on each topic. And clarify their doubts if any.

Differentiated Assessment of Learning (AoL):

·        Question answer session
·        Define management.
·        Briefly elucidate the characteristics of management.
·        Are the terms ‘effectiveness’ & ‘efficiency’ the same? Comment.
Concluding Phase

Students are randomly selected and are asked to briefly summarize the content taught so far.
Enrichment Programs/ Home Learning / Extra Learning:

·        Students have to collect five definitions on the concept of management.
·        Students have to write a summary of today’s lesson in student’s diary.
·        Students have to create their own mind maps on “ Concept of management & its characteristics, Effectiveness Vs Efficiency”
Teacher Reflections/ Success Criteria  (Learning Outcome & adjustments)

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